08:38 mercoledì 12.03.2025

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foto di: cortesia Alee Mala
Abdullah Oçalan calls for the dissolution and disarmament of the PKK
At 05:00 pm on Thursday, February 27, 2025, the PKK delegation in Istanbul announced Oçalan's peace message
01-03-2025 - ‘’Rivolgo l'appello al disarmo e accetto la responsabilità storica di questo appello. Non è stato costretto a porre fine alla sua esistenza. Tenete il vostro congresso e decidete di fondervi volontariamente con il governo e la società. Tutti i gruppi devono deporre le armi e sciogliere il PKK; saluto tutti i gruppi che credono nella coesistenza’’ .. ha scritto Oçalan
Ma alcuni contestano la decisione di Oçalan
Cemil Bayik ha detto: "Solo il PKK può decidere di deporre le armi e sciogliersi. -
Il 25 febbraio, Basi Hozat ha detto: "Se il messaggio del presidente Apo non è in video e discorso dal vivo, non lo rispetteremo da ora in poi.
Riportiamo quanto dichiarato da Abdullah Oçalan, come si evince dalla fotografia del messaggio scritto di suo pugno in turco.

Outgoing Merdin Mayor Ahmet Türk read out his message in Kurdish.
Parvin Buldan, a PKK MP from Van, read out the message in Turkish.

The seven-member delegation visited Imrali today. With the announcement of the peace call, the delegation released a photograph taken with Abdullah Oçalan in Imrali.

Meanwhile, a photograph of Oçalan's message written in his own handwriting in Turkish was released. The PKK delegation to Imrali consisted of: Sri Surya Onder, Deputy Speaker of the Turkish Parliament; Parvin Buldan, PKK MP from Van; Ahmet Türk, the ousted mayor of Merdin; Tulay Hatimoğlullari and Tunçer Bakrhan, co-chairmen of the PKK; Cengiz Çiçek, a PKK deputy from Istanbul, and Fayiq Özgür Erol, Abdullah Oçalan's lawyer

“In the 20th century, the most violent century in history, and within the framework of World Wars I and II, realistic socialism and the Cold War climate that dominated the world, especially within the framework of denial of Kurdish existence.
In terms of theory, programme, strategy and tactics, the PKK was heavily influenced by the reality of the true socialist system of the century. The collapse of genuine socialism in the 1990s due to internal factors as well as the resolution of the crisis of identity denial in the country and the progress achieved in the field of freedom of expression led to a poverty of meaning and recurrence in the PKK. Therefore, like other similar examples, it has reached the end of its life and its abolition has become a necessary order.”

Turkish-Kurdish relations: "Throughout their more than 1,000 years of common history, Turks and Kurds have always remained in an inevitable alliance based on their mutual desire to preserve their existence and fight hegemonic powers. Capitalist modernity has made this alliance its main target for destruction over the past 200 years They have accepted this goal on the basis of their class. With the one-dimensional interpretations of the republic, this process has been accelerated. The need for a democratic society is inevitable.

“The PKK's revolutionary movement, which has been the longest and most widespread movement in the history of the Republic [of Turkey], was the result of the closure of the channels of democratic politics. solutions such as separate nation states, federations, administrative autonomy and cultural solutions, arising from extremist tendencies of nationalism.
They cannot answer the historical sociology of societies. Respect for identities, their expression and democratic organization Only with a democratic society and political space can each group create the socio-economic and political structure they desire.
The second century of the Republic will continue in permanent and brotherly stability only if it is adorned with democracy.
There is no other way to explore and realize the new system than through democracy. It cannot exist. Democratic consensus is the basic method”.
"The language of peace and democratic society should be developed according to reality," Ocalan said. "In this atmosphere, which is shaped by the call of Devlet Bahçeli, the will expressed by Mr. President and the positive attitude of other political parties towards the call, I raise the call for disarmament and accept the historical responsibility of this call It has not been forced to end its existence. Hold your own congress and decide to voluntarily merge with the government and society.
All groups must lay down their arms and dissolve the PKK; I greet all the groups that believe in coexistence.
Yes to my calling.

February 25, Abdullah Oçalan. Also, the message of the Kurdistan People's leader Massoud Barzani on the peace message of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) leader Regarding the peace process and solution in Turkey, we emphasize our unchanged position and support the peace process in Turkey with all our might and consider peace as the only right way to resolve the problems.
We hope that Mr. Oçalan's message will be the beginning of the peace process to reach a conclusion that is in the interest of all parties”.

On February 7, Murat Karayilan said that Leader Oçalan is in prison for the goals that the PKK is trying to achieve. -
On February 14, Cemil Bayik said: "Only the PKK can decide to lay down arms and disband. -
On February 25, Basi Hozat said: "If President Apo's message is not in video and live speech, we will not comply with it from now on. -
Abdullah Oçalan said on February 27 that he called on the PKK to lay down arms.

cortesia Jihangir Alee Mala

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