08:21 mercoledì 12.03.2025

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Rohde & Schwarz and ELT Group join forces
To deliver cutting-edge EW systems for European Navies in a major development for the defense industry 
27-02-2025 - Rohde & Schwarz and ELT Group signed a contract to provide EW systems for the German Navy’s F124 project and the Polish Navy’s new Miecznick class multirole frigates.
This collaboration is founded on ELT Group's capability to provide high-caliber solutions that align with Rohde & Schwarz’ stringent technical and commercial standards, as well as the synergistic fit between both companies' portfolios.
Rohde & Schwarz was recently commissioned to supply and integrate systems for communications, radar electronic support measures and radar countermeasures (C-ESM/R-ESM/R-ECM) from the R&S KORA family for the three F124 Sachsen class frigates, and communications and radar electronic support measures (C-ESM/R-ESM) for the three Miecznick multi-role frigates. The system enhances situational awareness and strengthens early warning capabilities and the self-protection of the ships.
ELT Group's engagement is part of the framework of these recent acquisitions of EW Systems by Rohde & Schwarz, through the supply of its most advanced solutions for the R-ESM and R-ECM systems.
“We are continuing our successful collaboration from the F126 project and look forward to a trustworthy cooperation,” Alexander Philipp, Managing Director, Rohde & Schwarz Vertriebs-GmbH explains. “ELT Group's team has delivered a meaningful expansion to the established R&S KORA solution. This order represents a significant milestone in the collaboration between the two companies and the German-Italian defense cooperation.”

“We are very pleased with the signing of these important contracts with Rohde & Schwarz,” said Domitilla Benigni, ELT Group CEO & COO. “They represent a starting point to further strengthen the value proposition towards our customers, enhanced even more by our long-standing presence in Europe. We look forward to working closely to ensure its successful execution.”


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