06:53 domenica 08.09.2024

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Il Pakistan colpisce i nascondigli dei militanti in Iran
Pakistan hits militant hideouts in Iran (From //pajhwok.com)
18-01-2024 - Giovedì 18 gennaio 2024 le forze pakistane hanno colpito i nascondigli dei militanti nella provincia iraniana del Sistan Balochistan.
Gli attacchi ai santuari ribelli nel paese vicino sono avvenuti il giorno dopo che l’Iran ha violato lo spazio aereo del Pakistan e ha colpito le “basi terroristiche” nella provincia del Balochistan.
Il Ministero degli Esteri ha confermato che il Pakistan ha condotto una serie di “attacchi militari di precisione altamente coordinati e mirati”.
In una dichiarazione, il ministero ha affermato che diversi ribelli sono stati uccisi durante l’operazione di intelligence denominata in codice “Marg Bar Sarmachar”.
Martedì, l’Iran aveva lanciato attacchi nella zona di Panjgur, nel Belucistan, contro quelle che chiamava le basi del gruppo militante Jaish al-Adl.
"Negli ultimi anni, nei nostri impegni con l'Iran, il Pakistan ha costantemente condiviso le sue serie preoccupazioni riguardo ai rifugi sicuri e ai santuari di cui godono i terroristi di origine pakistana", ha affermato il Ministero degli Esteri.
I terroristi che si nascondono negli spazi non governati dell'Iran si descrivono come Sarmachar, secondo una dichiarazione del Ministero degli Esteri.

PESHAWAR (Pajhwok): In a tit-for-tat response, Pakistani forces on Thursday struck militant hideouts in Iran’s Sistan Balochistan province.
The attacks on rebel sanctuaries in the neighbouring country came a day after Iran violated Pakistan’s airspace and pounded ‘terrorist bases’ in Balochistan province.
The Foreign Office confirmed Pakistan conducted a series of “highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision military strikes”.
In a statement, the ministry said a number of rebels were killed during the intelligence-based operation codenamed ‘Marg Bar Sarmachar’.
On Tuesday, Iran had launched attacks in the Panjgur area of Balochistan on what it called bases for the militant group Jaish al-Adl.
“Over the last several years, in our engagements with Iran, Pakistan has consistently shared its serious concerns about the safe havens and sanctuaries enjoyed by Pakistani origin terrorists,” the Foreign Office said.
The terrorists hiding in the ungoverned spaces inside of Iran describe themselves as Sarmachars, according to a statement from the Foreign Ministry.
“Pakistan also shared multiple dossiers with concrete evidence of the presence and activities of these terrorists,” the statement added.
It continued strikes were conducted Thursday morning on the basis of credible intelligence of impending large-scale terrorist activities by the Sarmachars.
The Foreign Office said: “Pakistan will continue to take all necessary steps to preserve the safety and security of its people which is sacrosanct, inviolable and sacred.”
According to Iranian state media, at least three women and four children were killed in the Pakistani strikes on the southeastern border region.
A senior official of Sistan-Balochistan was quoted as saying: “The women and children killed in this incident are non-Iranian nationals.”

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