Notizie dal Mondo

Kurdish national holiday Newroz
More than 200,000 Kurds attended a ceremony organized by the Kurdistan Diaspora Confederation in Cologne, Germany
23-03-2025 - On Saturday, March 22, 2025, Shifa Barzani, Supervisor General of the Kurdistan Diaspora, conveyed warm greetings of President Barzani to the Kurdish Diaspora gathered in all four parts of Kurdistan at the Newroz celebration of the Kurdish New Year in Cologne, Germany.In a message, Barzani said: “I would like to extend my warmest greetings to the President, Peshmerga and defender of Kurdistan, President Barzani. President Barzani congratulates everyone on Newroz and is very happy with the large gathering of Kurds in Cologne.
“We have gathered away from home to celebrate the national holiday of Newroz together. Newroz is not only a holiday, but also a means of resistance, resistance, revival, hope and optimism It was created and will remain in nature, Kurds, fate and Newroz”.
He also said that while they are lighting the fire of Newroz away from the country, not only celebrate Newroz, but also renew relations between themselves and our culture, history and nation, renew our relationship with the unrelenting struggle of the Kurdish people for freedom and independence.
He said: “We share the joys and sorrows of our people in all four parts of Kurdistan, this year's Newroz is not only Newroz, but an opportunity to support and solidarity with West Kurds Brothers, let us support each other and advance our cause”.
Shifa Barzani said that they are calling for unity in West Kurdistan and will convey their voices to the powerful countries to ensure the rights of Kurds in West Kurdistan in the new Syrian constitution We call on our people to participate in the changes in the Middle East, we call for a solution to the Kurdish issue in the Kurdistan regions, and we call for their Kurdish rights to be enshrined in the constitutions of all four countries.
At the end of his speech, he said that the policy of the past hundred years of denying the Kurds, have not been able to destroy the Kurds, if they continue for another thousand years, they can not destroy our nation
cortesia Jihangir Alee Mala

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