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Kabul Municipality Inaugurates Five Street Construction Projects
From Tolonews
25-03-2024 - The office of the economic deputy PM tweeted that Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar said that many facilities will be provided to the residents of Kabul with the completion of these projects.“We tell our countrymen and Kabul residents that this is the inauguration ceremony of the five projects,” he said.
The connecting road from the north to west of Kabul is 7.5 kilometers long and 30 meters wide and is being built by Kabul Municipality at a cost of 530 million Afghanis.
The Kabul Municipality meanwhile said that these projects will cover streets in the north and west of Kabul.
“These are very important projects. With their implementation, in addition to traffic problems, many problems will be solved and will offer important services to the residents of Kabul,” said Amar Yasar, an official of the Kabul Municipality.
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