02:49 sabato 18.01.2025

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foto di: Leonardo
Telespazio Ibérica and Leonardo join forces to protect Canary Islands
Leonardo's Falco EVO features a 20+ hours endurance, also flying in demanding weather conditions for day/night operations
17-01-2025 - Fuerteventura, January 17th, 2025.-Telespazio Ibérica, a leading company in geo-information in Spain, and the industrial group Leonardo, a global prime player in Aerospace, Defense and Security (AD&S), will work together to protect the Canary Islands by utilizing the Falco EVO, a state-of-the-art remotely piloted aircraft crucial to counter fire and for the preservation of biodiversity.

The signed contract, which includes 700 operational flight hours, will allow the Falco EVO to be used in the Canary Islands throughout the year, strongly emphasizing the summer season. The agreement was signed during an official event at the Fuerteventura Technology Park, attended by the Canary Islands Government President, Fernando Clavijo. The event hosts included the Senior Vice President of Sales of Leonardo Aircraft Division, Alberto Pietro Berruti, and the CEO of Telespazio Ibérica, Carlos Fernández de la Peña.

This contract, unprecedented in Spain, is part of the actions promoted by the joint venture led by Telespazio Ibérica and Pegasus Aero Group since March of last year - when they became strategic partners of the Government of the Canary Islands. In fact, at the end of 2024, they appeared to be the first blazes monitored by drones.

"Falco will provide thermal and visible information in image and video format that will allow us to deal with the different phases of a fire: prevention, early detection, monitoring, and post-fire," said the CEO of Telespazio Ibérica, Carlos Fernández de la Peña. "The prevention phase is crucial as the data used together with AI-based algorithms will be used for the detection of suspicious activities, 3D mapping, and fire risk mapping."

"We are pleased to contribute with our technologies to this program to protect the environment and to prevent and counter some of the most critical conditions that can threaten it," said Alberto Pietro Berruti, Leonardo Aircraft Division Senior Vice President of Sales. "The Falco family of remotely piloted systems is strongly representative of our advanced integrated capabilities (platform, sensors, interoperability) in the sector, and the use of these technologies is consistent with the sustainability commitment of our industrial plan."


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