05:26 domenica 27.10.2024

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Return to Camp Bucca in southern Iraq, birthplace of ISIS
From Rudaw.net-Erbil
09-05-2017 - A young jihadist in shackles and chains was brought into Camp Bucca prison in the town of Um Qasir south of Iraq by the US Military Police Corps. They did not realize at the time what a dangerous subject they held in their custody. He was in his early 30s and had been captured in the town of Fallujah in Anbar. His name was Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badri. His imprisonment only lasted for 10 months before his release. Years later that same person reemerged, this time known as Abu Bakir al-Baghdadi, who by now had become the caliphate of the Islamic State, known as the strongest jihadi organization in the world. 
 Most media outlets agree that the turning point of laying the foundation for ISIS by al-Baghdadi was when he had been imprisoned at Camp Bucca.  Here, he had seized the opportunity to meet with his co-prisoners, jihadists and high-ranking Baath regime officers and officials of the Republican Guard Force and Intelligence Agency in the camp’s open yards.
 Camp Bucca is located in a dry and spacious desert area on the Iraq-Kuwait border. Though it has been closed down for eight years now, its strong fences, concrete barriers, pillars, high watch posts and mazes of wire corridors are still intact which have all become the major hallmarks of the prison. The halls and rooms where more than 24,000 horrendous jihadists and former Baath regime officials had been imprisoned still looks hazardous to anyone who walks through them.  
 The prison consists of two well-fortified fences. One is built and erected with soil which is 18 meters high and its ends are sharpened in a way which makes it dangerous to climb. On top of the fence, two more barriers are in place, one with two barbed wire fences and the other with a tall concrete structure. There is a wide space between the two fences. There are also watch posts between each 100 meter space to guard the security of the camp.
 “Camp Bucca was the perfect environment for the emergence of the initial ISIS cells as thousands members of extremist groups had been compiled there to freely contact other prisoners, communicate and exchange their ideas. Many of the prisoners spent much of their time there with each other which initiated the groundwork of creating a hazardous group like ISIS,” Ammar Salim, a journalist from Basra who was aware of the prison’s history, told Rudaw.
The world media’s concerns over the risk of compiling extremists together at a dangerous prison were finally justified as large numbers of the prisoners who were eventually released joined ISIS and now have important roles within the group, above all al-Baghdadi.
With the exception of al-Baghdad, 10 more high ranking leaders of the group had been in Bucca, most notably, Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, Abu Muslim al-Turkmani, Abu Abdulrahman al-Bilawi and Abu Hajar al-Iraqi.
Salih pointed out that the biggest mistake the Americans made was mixing the jihadists with the former Iraqi army officers, leading to the creation of an effective force like ISIS.


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